Fantomele lui Goya (2006)
Goya's Ghosts
Podul din San Luis Rey (2005)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Credinta si umbre (2005)
Our Fathers
Minerul diavolului (2005)
The Devil's Miner
The Passion of Joshua the Jew (2005)
La Passione di Giosue l'Ebreo
Eva si calul de foc (2005)
Eve and the Fire Horse
Proasta crestere (2004)
La Mala Educación / Bad Education
La Nina Santa (2004)
La Nińa Santa / The Holy Girl
Twist of Faith (2004)
Luther (2003)
Conspiratia tacerii (2003)
Conspiracy of Silence
Aventuri la Scoala Catolica (2002)
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
Vara furata (2002)
Stolen Summer
Surorile de la azilul Magdalene (2002)
The Magdalene Sisters
Big Girls Don't Cry (2002)
Grosse Mädchen Weinen Nicht
Cand Dumnezeu ii uita pe oameni (2001)
Edges of the Lord
Ciocolata cu dragoste (2000)
Preotul, rabinul si fata (2000)
Keeping the Faith
Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999)
Father Damien
Povestea vietii mele (1999)
Angela's Ashes