Jesus de Montreal (1989)
Jesus of Montreal
My 20th Century (1989)
Az én XX. századom
Lunetistul (1989)
Cold Front
Sacrificii marunte (1989)
Small Sacrifices
Champagne Charlie (1989)
Alerta mondiala (1989)
Ultima ispita a lui Iisus (1988)
The Last Temptation of Christ
Inseparabilii (1988)
Dead Ringers
Vrajitorie si crima (1988)
Apprentice to Murder
Capriciile iubirii - Aleasa inimii (1988)
Midnight Magic
Ford: Omul si masina lui (1987)
Ford: The Man and the Machine
John si Missus (1987)
John and the Missus
Musafirul nepoftit (1986)
Tramp at the Door
Dans in penumbra (1986)
Dancing in the Dark
Desert Hearts (1985)
Anne de la Green Gables (1985)
Anne of Green Gables
Executia lui Raymond Graham (1985)
The Execution of Raymond Graham
Parcul este al meu! (1985)
The Park Is Mine