Visatorii (2003)
The Dreamers
The Spanish Apartment (2002)
L'auberge espagnole
Dragoste interzisa (2002)
Defense d'Aimer / Love Forbidden
Te iubesc, nu te iubesc (1997)
I Love You, I Love You Not
All the Mornings of the World (1991)
Tous les Matins du Monde
Camille Claudel (1988)
Le Maitre de Musique (1988)
The Music Teacher
La revedere, copii (1987)
Au Revoir Les Enfants
How I Was Systematically Destroyed by an Idiot (1983)
Kako Sam Sistematski Unisten Od Idiota
Dantelareasa (1977)
La Dentellière / The Lacemaker
A muri din dragoste (1971)
Mourir d'aimer / To Die of Love
More (1969)
Mayerling (1968)
Der Junge Törless (1966)
Young Torless
The Sign of Leo (1959)
Le Signe du Lion
Zero for Conduct (1933)
Zéro de Conduite