Banditul din Dublin (1999)
Ordinary Decent Criminal
Povestea vietii mele (1999)
Angela's Ashes
Human Traffic (1999)
O vara in America (1999)
O iubire impartita (1999)
A Love Divided
Generalul (1998)
The General
Nepotul (1998)
The Nephew
Ultimul septembrie (1998)
The Last September
Dansand la Lughnasa (1998)
Dancing At Lughnasa
Camionagiii spatiului (1997)
Space Truckers
Boxerul (1997)
The Boxer
Baiatul macelar (1997)
The Butcher Boy
Informatorul (1997)
The Informant
In deriva (1997)
Michael Collins (1996)
Prizonieri de razboi (1996)
Some Mother's Son
Soarele, luna si stelele (1996)
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Intre prieteni (1995)
Circle of Friends
Relatii complicate (1995)
The Run of the Country