The Crossing (1999)
Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999)
Father Damien
Opt femei si jumatate (1999)
8 1/2 Women
Iubire magica (1999)
Trenul Vietii (1998)
Train de Vie / Train of Life
Tropic of Emerald (1998)
Mostenire ingropata (1998)
Left Luggage
Karakter (1997)
The Gambler (1997)
Abisul sufletului (1996)
Breaking the Waves
Cartea de capatai (1996)
The Pillow Book
Antonia (1995)
Antonia's Line
Toti oamenii sunt muritori (1995)
All Men Are Mortal
Venus in Furs (1994)
Orlando (1992)
Let Him Have It (1991)
City Life (1990)