Ultimul pod pe Rin (1969)
The Bridge at Remagen
Duzina de ticalosi (1967)
The Dirty Dozen
Umbra unui urias (1966)
Cast a Giant Shadow
Canoniera de pe Yangtze (1966)
The Sand Pebbles
The Blue Max (1966)
Sands of Beersheba (1966)
Sunetul muzicii (1965)
The Sound of Music
Razboi pe mare (1965)
In Harm's Way
Misiune sinucigasa (1965)
Morituri / The Saboteur, Code Name Morituri
Colina (1965)
The Hill
Batalia de la Bulge (1965)
Battle of the Bulge
Americanizarea lui Emily (1964)
The Americanization of Emily
36 Hours (1964)
Marea evadare (1963)
The Great Escape
Sechestratii din Altona (1963)
I Sequestrati di Altona / The Condemned of Altona
War Hunt (1962)
Dansul armasarilor albi (1962)
Miracle of the White Stallions
The Angel Wore Red (1960)
Operation Amsterdam (1960)