Talentatul domn Ripley (1999)
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Sfarsitul Aventurii (1999)
The End of the Affair
Cu ochii larg inchisi (1999)
Eyes Wide Shut
American Beauty (1999)
Al Saselea Simt (1999)
The Sixth Sense
Care pe care (1999)
It's The Rage / All the Rage
Mystery, Alaska (1999)
A Slipping-Down Life (1999)
Fidelitate (1999)
Forever Mine
O fiica de soldat nu plange! (1998)
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries
Moby Dick (1998)
Casatorie de forma (1998)
A Marriage of Convenience
Lick the star (1998)
In amurg (1997)
Lolita (1997)
Tipu' de la cablu (1996)
The Cable Guy
Fara aparare (1996)
The Juror
Walking and Talking (1996)
Un admirator fanatic (1996)
The Fan
Intre dragoste si ura (1996)
A Thin Line Between Love and Hate