Clubul ciudatilor (1999)
Freak City
Sfantul mincinosilor (1998)
The Patron Saint of Liars / The Miracle of the Spring
G.I. Jane (1997)
Clubul nevestelor parasite (1996)
The First Wives Club
Walking and Talking (1996)
Rosamunde Pilcher: Septembrie (1996)
Vremea schimbarii (1996)
The Spitfire Grill / Care of the Spitfire Grill
Dragoste de mama (1996)
An Unexpected Family
Trei destine (1995)
Betrayed: A Story of Three Women
Cand un barbat iubeste o femeie (1994)
When a Man Loves a Woman
Nell cea salbatica (1994)
Fetele rele cuceresc vestul (1994)
Bad Girls
Pe cont propriu (1994)
I Like It Like That
Clubul Joy Luck (1993)
The Joy Luck Club
Atacul femeii de 15 metri (1993)
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman / Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
Inapoi la Howards (1992)
Howards End
Doi oameni simpli (1992)
Simple Men
Victimele placerii (1992)
Overkill: The Aileen Wuornos Story
Rosii verzi prajite (1991)
Fried Green Tomatoes / Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Fara aparare (1991)