Ride with the Devil (1999)
Haos in dragoste (1999)
Iubire interzisa (1999)
Out of the Cold
Splendoare (1999)
Prieteni si iubiti (1999)
Friends & Lovers
Copil de vanzare (1998)
The Baby Dance
More Tales of the City (1998)
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection
Minciuna poleita (1998)
A Bright Shining Lie
Nunta in stil polonez (1998)
Polish Wedding
Sfantul mincinosilor (1998)
The Patron Saint of Liars / The Miracle of the Spring
In numele dreptatii (1998)
In lupta cu aligatorii (1998)
Wrestling with Alligators
Parinte inainte de vreme (1998)
Fifteen and Pregnant
Graba strica treaba (1997)
Fools Rush In
Iubirea e un lucru foarte mare (1997)
She's So Lovely
Roata vietii (1997)
An Unexpected Life
Doamna Winterbourne (1996)
Mrs. Winterbourne
Zvon de maritis (1996)
Wedding Bell Blues