Fight Club - Sala de lupte (1999)
Fight Club
One Day in September (1999)
Povestea unei supravietuitoare (1998)
Oklahoma City: A Survivor's Story
Prieten si dusman (1997)
The Devil's Own
Atentat la World Trade Center (1997)
Path to Paradise: The Untold Story of the World Trade Center Bombing
Camera Mortii (1996)
The Chamber
Unabomber (1996)
Unabomber: The True Story
Greu de ucis III (1995)
Die Hard With a Vengeance
Orele disperarii (1994)
Safe Passage
S.F.W. (1994)
In numele tatalui (1993)
In the Name of the Father
The Crying Game (1992)
Soldati de ocazie (1991)
Toy Soldiers
Legea strazii (1991)
The Killing Streets