Ora de varf 3 (2007)
Rush Hour 3
Dansul dragostei (2006)
Step Up
Pe muchie de cutit 2 (2006)
The Cutting Edge: Going for the Gold
Pe urmele unui criminal in serie (2005)
The Hunt for the BTK Killer
Ceva creat de Dumnezeu (2004)
Something the Lord Made
Cavalerii shaolin (2003)
Shanghai Knights
Orasul in flacari (2003)
Dark Blue
Siguranta Nationala (2003)
National Security
Lege si Ordine (2002)
L.A. Law: The Movie
Ora de varf 2 (2001)
Rush Hour 2
Trafic (2000)
Ce e mai bun in viata (2000)
The Next Best Thing