Waitress (2007)
Cel mai frumos rol (2005)
The Kid & I
Nu mai locuim aici (2004)
We Don't Live Here Anymore
Razboi cu mafia adoptiilor (2004)
Baby for Sale
Povesti cu roboti (2002)
Robot Stories
Prancer se intoarce (2001)
Prancer Returns
Fie copilul binecuvantat (2000)
Bless the Child
In bratele strainilor (2000)
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
Triumful spiritului (2000)
The Miracle Worker
Al Saselea Simt (1999)
The Sixth Sense
Regasirea (1999)
The Deep End of the Ocean
Gloria (1999)
Simon Birch (1998)
Un tata pentru Brittany (1998)
A Change of Heart
Tata fara voie (1997)
Unwed Father
Un admirator fanatic (1996)
The Fan
Striptease (1996)
Instinct matern (1996)
A Mother's Instinct
Dragoste de mama (1996)
An Unexpected Family
Regasirea fiului (1995)
Losing Isaiah