The Great Debaters (2007)
Antrenorul Carter (2005)
Coach Carter
Chalk (2005)
Baietii din viata mea (2001)
Riding in Cars With Boys
Inchisoarea (2000)
Muzica inimii (1999)
Music of the Heart
Despartirea (1997)
Breaking Up
Mostenire regasita (1997)
The Education of Little Tree
Nightjohn (1996)
Iubire fatala (1992)
Something to Live For: The Alison Gertz Story
Cercul poetilor disparuti (1989)
Dead Poets Society
Bizuie-te pe mine (1989)
Lean on Me
Lectiile (1988)
Stand and Deliver
Yentl (1983)
Conrack (1974)
Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Secara e verde (1945)
The Corn Is Green
Daddy Long Legs (1919)