Favela Rising (2005)
Portretul unei doamne (1996)
The Portrait of a Lady
Beyond Rangoon (1995)
Consecinte tragice (1994)
Golden Gate
Casa spiritelor (1993)
The House of the Spirits
Razboiul lui Joel (1990)
One Man's War
Strigatul libertatii (1987)
Cry Freedom
Star Wars: Episodul V - Imperiul contraataca (1980)
The Empire Strikes Back
Rollerball (1975)
Umbra unui urias (1966)
Cast a Giant Shadow
Sunetul muzicii (1965)
The Sound of Music
Fugarul (1948)
The Fugitive
Watch on the Rhine (1943)
David Copperfield (1935)
The Yellow Ticket (1931)