Iarna ce trece... (2004)
Winter Passing
Afacerea "Colierul" (2001)
The Affair of the Necklace
Mica sirena (2000)
Scrisori despre viata (1999)
Love Letters
Proprietara (1996)
The Proprietor
O iubire nemuritoare (1994)
Immortal Beloved
Bogati in iubire (1993)
Rich in Love
Bancnota de 20 dolari (1993)
Twenty Bucks
Dragoste si violenta (1992)
Vincent and Theo (1990)
Chattahoochee (1989)
Culoarea purpurie (1985)
The Color Purple
A Letter to Three Wives (1949)
Taina ei (1940)
The Letter
The Scarlet Letter (1926)