Ferma ciocarliilor (2007)
La Masseria Delle Allodole / The Lark Farm
Twentynine Palms (2004)
Japanese Story (2003)
Clopotele inocentilor (2003)
The Bells of Innocence
Gerry (2002)
La inceput a fost cuvantul (2000)
In the Beginning
Regele traieste (2000)
The King Is Alive
Regii Desertului (1999)
Three Kings
La drum prin desertul inimilor (1999)
Drowning On Dry Land
Bugsy (1991)
Un ceai in Sahara (1990)
The Sheltering Sky
Razbunarea (1990)
Jocul intamplarii (1988)
Never on Tuesday
Pacatosul (1988)
The Penitent
True West (1986)
Paris, Texas (1983)
Melvin and Howard (1980)
Calaretul electric (1979)
The Electric Horseman
Fugarul (1967)
Stranger on the Run
Nazarin (1958)