Dinastia Tudorilor (2007)
The Tudors
Silver City (2004)
Elizabeth - Regina virgina (1998)
Michael Collins (1996)
Richard III (1995)
Li Lianying: The Imperial Eunuch (1991)
Da taijian Li Lianying
Adevarata fata a lucrurilor (1991)
True Colors
Al IV-lea razboi (1990)
The Fourth War
Little Nikita (1988)
Patty Duke (1986)
Half Moon Street
Lady Jane (1985)
Misteriosul domn K (1984)
The Jigsaw Man
Weekend cu spioni (1983)
The Osterman Weekend
Urechea acului (1981)
Eye of the Needle
Toti oamenii presedintelui (1976)
All the President's Men
Paralaxis (1974)
The Parallax View
Avionul presedintelui a disparut (1972)
The President's Plane Is Missing
Mihai Viteazul (1970)
King Lear (1953)
Marie Antoinette (1938)