Copilul (2005)
L'Enfant / The Child
Razboi cu mafia adoptiilor (2004)
Baby for Sale
Viata in Londra (2002)
Dirty Pretty Things
Bisnitari in uniforma (2001)
Buffalo Soldiers
Negustorii de copii (1994)
Baby Brokers
Cautari disperate (1994)
Where Are My Children?
Asya si gaina cu oua de aur (1994)
Kurochka Ryaba / Assia and the Hen with the Golden Eggs
In weiter Ferne, so nah! (1993)
Faraway, So Close!
Copii furati (1993)
Stolen Babies
City of Sadness (1989)
Graveyard of Honor (1975)
Jingi no Hakaba
Nu e rentabil sa fii erou (1968)
The Hell with Heroes
King Rat (1965)
Generalul Della Rovere (1959)
Il Generale Della Rovere / General Della Rovere
Sciuscia (1947)
SciusciĆ / Shoeshine
Germany, Year Zero (1947)
Germania, Anno Zero