4 Life (2007)
Zoo (2007)
Crossover (2006)
Ultimele zile ale Sophiei Scholl (2005)
Sophie Scholl: Die Letzten Tage / Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
Baieti pe motoare (2003)
Biker Boyz
Declaratia (2003)
The Statement
Cercul magic (2001)
The Invisible Circus
Abbie Hoffman (2000)
Steal This Movie
Surorile Mirabal (2000)
In the Time of the Butterflies
Urbania (2000)
Fight Club - Sala de lupte (1999)
Fight Club
Femme Fatale (1990)
Fatal Woman
Plenty (1985)
Hardcore (1979)
The Hardcore Life
Zidul (1974)
The Angry Hills (1959)
Watch on the Rhine (1943)