Henry V (1989)
Glory (1989)
Mahabharata (1989)
The Mahabharata
Ultimul Imparat (1987)
The Last Emperor
Un copil pe nume Iisus (1987)
Un Nino Llamado Jesus
Mostenirea familiei Guldenburg (1987)
Das Erbe Der Guldenburgs
Tai-Pan (1986)
Ran (1985)
Revolutia (1985)
North and South (1985)
Regele David (1985)
King David
Quo Vadis? (1985)
Heimat (1984)
Fort Saganne (1984)
The Jewel in the Crown (1984)
Cammina, cammina (1983)
Keep Walking
Gandhi (1982)
Reds (1981)
Unii si altii (1981)
Les Uns et les autres / Bolero
Petru si Pavel (1981)
Peter and Paul