In numele regelui (2008)
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale
Maria Antoaneta (2006)
Marie Antoinette
Singur in lupta (2005)
The King Maker
Troia (2004)
Alexandru (2004)
Stapanul Inelelor: Intoarcerea Regelui (2003)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Stapanul Inelelor: Cele Doua Turnuri (2002)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Esther (2000)
Anna si Regele (1999)
Anna and the King
Ioana D'Arc (1999)
Joan of Arc
Biblia - David (1997)
Braveheart - Inima neinfricata (1995)
Printul Iutlandei (1994)
Royal Deceit / Prince of Jutland
Henry V (1989)
Regele David (1985)
King David
Becket (1964)
Solomon si Sheba (1959)
Solomon and Sheba / Solomon & Sheba
Richard al III-lea (1955)
Richard III
Henry V (1944)
Viata particulara a lui Henric al VIII-lea (1933)
The Private Life of Henry VIII