The Life (2004)
Yo Puta
Nathalie... (2003)
In centrul lumii (2001)
The Center of the World
Martorul (2001)
Bare Witness
Serviciu de escorta (2000)
Dead Sexy
Seom (2000)
The Isle
Claire Dolan (1998)
Sange fierbinte (1997)
Carne Trémula / Live Flesh
Jocuri periculoase (1995)
Mon homme (1995)
My Man
Sub acoperire (1995)
Undercover / Undercover Heat
Florile mortii (1993)
Arsita (1992)
Radacinile raului (1991)
Roots of Evil
Bani murdari (1988)
Clinton and Nadine
Intre zi si noapte (1984)
Crimes of Passion
Querelle (1982)
American Gigolo (1979)
Pretty Baby (1978)
Imperiul simturilor (1976)
Ai no Corrida / In the Realm of the Senses