Aventurile Baronului Munchausen (1989)
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Vanatorii de fantome 2 (1989)
Ghostbusters 2
Mica Sirena (1989)
The Little Mermaid
Santa sangre (1989)
Langa tine mereu (1989)
Amintiri din alta viata (1989)
Chances Are
Vise placute! (1989)
Dream a Little Dream
Aripile gloriei (1989)
Wings of Fame
Toti cainii merg in rai (1989)
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Hanul dintre dealuri (1989)
Prancer (1989)
Infernul de hartie (1989)
Tranzactie diabolica (1989)
Limit Up
Vraja dragostei (1989)
Teen Witch
Monstrii mici au probleme mari (1989)
Little Monsters
Un yancheu la curtea regelui Arthur (1989)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Alerta mondiala (1989)
Rouge (1988)
Vreau sa fiu mare (1988)