Alice in tara din oglinda (1999)
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Merlin (1998)
The Storm Riders (1998)
Ce vraji mai fac fetele (1998)
Practical Magic
Furtuna (1998)
The Tempest
Cavalerul adolescent (1998)
Teen Knight
O dorinta simpla (1997)
A Simple Wish
Der Unfisch (1997)
James si piersica uriasa (1996)
James and the Giant Peach
The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996)
Jumanji (1995)
Indianul din dulap (1995)
The Indian in the Cupboard
Misterul inelului (1995)
The Power Within
Un pusti la curtea Regelui Arthur (1995)
A Kid in King Arthur's Court
Micul skater (1995)
Skateboard Kid 2
Micii cavaleri (1995)
Kids of the Round Table
Mortal Kombat (1995)
Masca (1994)
The Mask
Enigma vrajitoarei (1994)
Witch Hunt
Micul hot (1994)
The Shaggy Dog