X-Men: Ultima Infruntare (2006)
X-Men: The Last Stand
Cinci prieteni in Viata de Apoi (2004)
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Fabrica de praf (2004)
The Dust Factory
Dead Like Me (2003)
Din nou pe pamant (2001)
Down to Earth
Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998)
Meet Joe Black
Arma dreptatii (1997)
Al saselea jucator (1997)
The 6th Man / The Sixth Man
Fluke - o minune de catel (1995)
Traieste altfel! (1995)
Heaven Sent
Valsul cainelui alb (1994)
To Dance with the White Dog
Intrusul din spatiu (1993)
Alien Intruder
Tinerete vesnica (1992)
Death Becomes Her
Preludiu pentru un sarut (1992)
Prelude to a Kiss
Viceversa (1991)
Truly, Madly, Deeply (1991)
Ghost (1990)
Langa tine mereu (1989)
Amintiri din alta viata (1989)
Chances Are
Aripile gloriei (1989)
Wings of Fame