Sotul ideal (1999)
An Ideal Husband
Viata mea pana acum (1999)
My Life So Far
The Wings of the Dove (1997)
Anna Karenina (1997)
Portretul unei doamne (1996)
The Portrait of a Lady
Temptress Moon (1996)
Emma (1996)
Agentul secret (1996)
The Secret Agent
Afinitati elective (1996)
Le Affinità Elettive / Elective Affinities
Madame Butterfly (1995)
Richard III (1995)
Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995)
First Knight
Taramul umbrelor (1993)
Farewell, My Concubine (1993)
Reabilitarea (1993)
Morning Glory
Inapoi la Howards (1992)
Howards End
La rascruce de vanturi (1992)
Wuthering Heights
Monteriano (1991)
Where Angels Fear to Tread