Seraphim Falls (2006)
Munchen (2005)
Imperiul (2005)
Bandele din New York (2002)
Gangs of New York
Drumul spre pierzanie (2002)
Road to Perdition
Contele de Monte Cristo (2002)
The Count of Monte Cristo
Tigru si dragon (2000)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Titus (1999)
Secretul Evei (1997)
Eve's Bayou
Pacientul englez (1996)
The English Patient
Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995)
First Knight
Othello (1995)
La rascruce de vanturi (1992)
Wuthering Heights
Rosii verzi prajite (1991)
Fried Green Tomatoes / Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Cacealmaua (1973)
The Sting
Stapanul domeniului (1965)
The War Lord
Banditul din Zhobe (1959)
The Bandit of Zhobe
Salome (1953)
La rascruce de vanturi (1939)
Wuthering Heights
Jezebel (1938)