Sinuciderea fecioarelor (1999)
The Virgin Suicides
O plimbare pe luna (1999)
A Walk on the Moon
Baiatul familiei Winslow (1999)
The Winslow Boy
Culmile libertatii (1999)
Liberty Heights
Povestea vietii mele (1999)
Angela's Ashes
Agnes Browne (1999)
Soaptele ingerilor (1998)
Talk of Angels
Familia din Mansfield Park (1998)
Mansfield Park
Dansand la Lughnasa (1998)
Dancing At Lughnasa
Jurnalul unei vedete de film porno (1997)
Boogie Nights
In prezenta dusmanilor mei (1997)
In the Presence of Mine Enemies
Cararile sufletului (1995)
The Grass Harp
Atat de aproape de cer (1995)
A Walk in the Clouds
Trei generatii (1995)
My Family
Fiicele doctorului March (1994)
Little Women
Forrest Gump (1994)
Swingul si baietii (1993)
Swing Kids
Ratacit in Yonkers (1993)
Lost in Yonkers
Ciocarlia (1993)
Inapoi la Howards (1992)
Howards End