Un roman de duzina (2007)
Roman de Gare / Crossed Tracks
Imperiul mintii (2006)
Inland Empire
Parfumul doamnei in negru (2005)
Le parfum de la dame en noir / The Perfume of the Lady in Black
Imperiul Lupilor (2005)
L'Empire des Loups / The Empire of the Wolves
Prin padure (2005)
À Travers La Forêt / Through the Forest
Rauri de Purpura 2: Ingerii Apocalipsei (2004)
The Crimson Rivers II: The Angels of the Apocalypse
Ce jour-la (2003)
That Day
Domnul N. (2003)
Monsieur N.
8 Femei (2002)
8 Femmes / 8 Women
Rauri de Purpura (2000)
Les Rivières Pourpres / The Crimson Rivers
Suspect de crima (2000)
Under Suspicion
Ucigas in legea lui (2000)
A noua poarta (1999)
The Ninth Gate
Au coeur du mensonge (1999)
Fiul pierdut (1999)
The Lost Son
Baby Blues (1999)
Le Poulpe (1998)