Martor din umbra (1999)
Eye of the Beholder
Fiul pierdut (1999)
The Lost Son
Pe urmele lui Alice (1999)
Eye of the Killer / After Alice
Crimele din Midsomer (1998)
Midsomer Murders
Inspector Wexford (1998)
Road Rage
Touching Evil: Series 01 (1997)
Femeia in alb (1997)
The Woman in White
Conspiratie la Praga (1996)
The Shooter
Casa bantuita (1995)
Calatoriile lui Oliver (1995)
Oliver's Travels
Lumina rece a zilei (1995)
The Cold Light of Day
Inspector Wexford (1995)
O simpla formalitate (1994)
Una Pura Formalità / A Pure Formality
Genghis Cohn (1993)
Ruby Cairo (1992)
Clipa decisiva (1992)
Split Second
Suspiciune (1992)
Under Suspicion
Suspect de crima (1991)
Prime Suspect
Vis de iubire (1991)