Tapul ispasitor (1959)
The Scapegoat
La zece secunde de Iad (1959)
Ten Seconds to Hell
Stigmatul raului (1958)
Touch of Evil
Vertigo (1958)
Operation Abduction (1958)
Rapt au deuxieme bureau
Naked City (1958)
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
Delincventii (1957)
The Delinquents
Perry Mason (1957)
The Killing (1956)
Regele si cele patru dame (1956)
The King and Four Queens
Rebel fara cauza (1955)
Rebel Without a Cause
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Sa prinzi un hot (1955)
To Catch a Thief
O zi grea la Black Rock (1955)
Bad Day at Black Rock
Necazuri cu Harry (1955)
The Trouble with Harry
Killer's Kiss (1955)
In spatele ferestrei (1954)
Rear Window
Sherlock Holmes (1954)
The Big Heat (1953)