Shutter Island (2010)
Misterele Berlinului (2006)
The Good German
Un ascultator in noapte (2006)
The Night Listener
Flourish (2006)
Masters of Horror: Sfarsitul absolut al lumii (2005)
Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns
Carari intortocheate (2004)
Wicker Park
Adio iubitule (1999)
Goodbye Lover
O femeie dificila (1998)
A Difficult Woman
Marturia (1997)
The Ripper
Instinct matern (1996)
A Mother's Instinct
Disparuta fara urma (1994)
The Disappearance of Vonnie
Chan Is Missing (1982)
Primul pacat mortal (1980)
The First Deadly Sin
Complot de familie (1976)
Family Plot
O sansa grasa (1975)
Hickey and Boggs (1972)
Shaft's Big Score! (1972)
Strainul (1946)
The Stranger
Somewhere in the Night (1946)
Phantom Lady (1944)