Contratimp (2003)
Out of Time
Spanzuratoarea (2000)
Palmetto (1998)
Prezumtie falsa (1997)
Dead End
Enigma vrajitoarei (1994)
Witch Hunt
Luna de portelan (1994)
China Moon
Pacate ascunse (1993)
Sins of the Night
Asasinul mafiei (1991)
The Hitman
Columbo: Columbo si uciderea unui star rock (1991)
Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star
Presupus nevinovat (1990)
Presumed Innocent
Columbo: Sex si detectivul casatorit (1989)
Columbo: Sex and the Married Detective
Action Jackson (1988)
Legea lui Murphy (1986)
Murphy's Law
Protectorul (1985)
Jingcha Gushi / Police Story
De-ar veni odata duminica! (1983)
Vivement Dimanche! / Confidentially Yours
Columbo: Forgotten Lady (1975)
Jocuri fatale (1972)
Delincventii (1957)
The Delinquents
Chip de inger (1953)
Angel Face
Dark Passage (1947)