Secrete periculoase (1999)
The Fall
Titanic Town (1998)
Pe doua fronturi (1998)
Shot Through the Heart
Jinnah (1998)
Boxerul (1997)
The Boxer
Fiul meu, fanaticul (1997)
My Son the Fanatic
The Designated Mourner (1997)
Ape ostile (1997)
Hostile Waters
A Further Gesture (1997)
The Break
Michael Collins (1996)
Prizonieri de razboi (1996)
Some Mother's Son
Conspiratie la Praga (1996)
The Shooter
Carla's Song (1996)
Two Deaths (1996)
Anne Frank Remembered (1995)
Fecioara si moartea (1994)
Death and the Maiden
Viata si aventurile soldatului Ivan Cionkin (1994)
The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
Regina banditilor (1994)
Bandit Queen
In numele tatalui (1993)
In the Name of the Father
Friends (1993)