Orwell Rolls in His Grave (2004)
Critical Assignment (2003)
Control Room (2003)
Un american linistit (2002)
The Quiet American
Orasul nebun (1997)
Mad City
Intrusul (1995)
The Infiltrator
Un scriitor printre teroristi (1991)
Year of the Gun
A World Apart (1988)
Salvador (1986)
Creatorul de imagini (1986)
The Imagemaker
Un reporter incomod (1985)
Defense of the Realm / Defence of the Realm
Campuri de lupta (1984)
The Killing Fields
In Prima Linie (1983)
Under Fire
Un an de cumpana (1982)
The Year of Living Dangerously
Disparutul (1982)
O mie de miliarde de dolari (1981)
Mille Milliards de Dollars
Fara anestezie (1979)
Bez Znieczulenia / Without Anesthesia
Toti oamenii presedintelui (1976)
All the President's Men
The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum (1975)
Die Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum
Iubire interzisa (1974)
The Girl from Petrovka