Jocuri la nivel inalt (2009)
State of Play
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Adevarul te va Elibera (2004)
Critical Assignment (2003)
In direct din Bagdad (2002)
Live From Baghdad
Dezvaluiri complete (2000)
Full Disclosure / All The Fine Lines
Pretul puterii (1999)
The Big Brass Ring
Intoarcere in Paradis (1998)
Return to Paradise
Fibra Optica (1998)
Conspiratie politica (1997)
Shadow Conspiracy
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996)
Lepa Sela Lepo Gore
Bombay (1995)
Dosarul Pelican (1993)
The Pelican Brief
Pasul suspendat al berzei (1991)
To Meteoro Vima tou Pelargou
Complotul (1990)
A Show of Force
Creatorul de imagini (1986)
The Imagemaker
Campuri de lupta (1984)
The Killing Fields
Un an de cumpana (1982)
The Year of Living Dangerously
O mie de miliarde de dolari (1981)
Mille Milliards de Dollars
Omul de fier (1981)
Czlowiek Z Zelaza / Man of Iron