Cand dragostea ucide (1989)
Sea of Love
Pe urmele mafiei (1989)
Next of Kin
Misiune mortala (1989)
Dead Bang
Mighty Quinn (1989)
The Mighty Quinn
Turner si Hooch (1989)
Turner and Hooch
Columbo: Portretul unei crime (1989)
Columbo: Murder, A Self Portrait
Bancherul (1989)
The Banker
Joc in nocturna (1989)
Night Game
Columbo: Magie si crima (1989)
Columbo: Columbo Goes to the Guillotine
Columbo: Sex si detectivul casatorit (1989)
Columbo: Sex and the Married Detective
Columbo: Crima, fum si tradare (1989)
Columbo: Murder, Smoke and Shadows
Columbo: Deceptii (1989)
Columbo: Grand Deceptions
Inspectorul Morse (1989)
Inspector Morse
Un politist cu explozie intarziata (1988)
The Naked Gun / The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!
Action Jackson (1988)
Inspectorul Harry si jocul mortii (1988)
The Dead Pool
Presidio (1988)
The Presidio
Politist de inchiriat (1988)
Politist in blugi (1988)
Mai presus de lege (1988)
Above the Law / Nico