Insomnia (1997)
Turnatorul (1997)
Le Cousin
Legile dreptatii (1997)
When Justice Fails
Cure (1997)
Antiglont (1996)
Sentinta (1996)
Pana la capat (1996)
The Limbic Region
Obsesia (1995)
Crima cu premeditare (1995)
First Degree
Luna de portelan (1994)
China Moon
Columbo: Fluture cenusiu (1994)
Columbo: Butterfly in Shades of Grey
Due South (1994)
Columbo: Sub acoperire (1994)
Columbo: Undercover
Strain in noapte (1994)
Stranger by Night
Brigada omucideri (1993)
Homicide: Life on the Street
Columbo: Jocul seductiei (1993)
Columbo: It's All in the Game
Columbo: Nu e momentul sa mori (1992)
Columbo: No Time to Die
Deadly Matrimony (1992)
Shattered Promises
Columbo: Vrabia din mana (1992)
Columbo: A Bird in the Hand
Inspectorul Jack Frost (1992)
A Touch of Frost