Colectionarul de oase (1999)
The Bone Collector
Angel (1999)
Prea adanc (1999)
In Too Deep
Lege si ordine: Brigada speciala (1999)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Au coeur du mensonge (1999)
In slujba dreptatii (1999)
To Serve and Protect
Coruptie in cartierul chinezesc (1999)
The Corruptor
Cu sufletul la gura (1999)
Jack cuceritorul (1999)
Jack of Hearts
Pe urmele lui Alice (1999)
Eye of the Killer / After Alice
Ancheta pe cont propriu (1999)
The Taxman
Protagonistii (1999)
The Protagonists
Partenerul meu tacut (1999)
Nowhere to Hide (1999)
I Don't Give a Shit About Anything
Pionul (1999)
The Pawn
Pasiune periculoasa (1998)
Out of Sight
Ora de varf (1998)
Rush Hour
Negociatorul (1998)
The Negotiator
Taxi (1998)
Crimele din Midsomer (1998)
Midsomer Murders