Destul! (2002)
Hannibal (2001)
Sotia astronautului (1999)
The Astronaut's Wife
Truman Show (1998)
The Truman Show
Sarutul care ucide (1997)
Kiss The Girls
Dorinte nefaste (1997)
Drama in munti (1996)
Condamnat la amurg (1996)
Twilight Man
Criminal in serie (1995)
Serial Killer
The Crying Game (1992)
Colega de camera (1992)
Single White Female
Tacerea mieilor (1991)
The Silence of the Lambs
In pat cu dusmanul (1991)
Sleeping with the Enemy
Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Castele de nisip (1972)
Up the Sandbox
Somewhere in the Night (1946)
Fascinatie (1945)
Indoiala (1943)
Shadow of a Doubt