Viziuni obsesive (2007)
Mustata (2005)
La Moustache / The Moustache
Misterele Fluviului (2003)
Mystic River
In spatele usii rosii (2003)
Behind the Red Door
Fereastra de vizavi (2003)
La Finestra di Fronte / Facing Windows
Spider (2002)
The Crossing (1999)
After Life (1998)
Umbrele trecutului (1997)
The Blackout
Calatorie spre inceputul lumii (1997)
Voyage to the Beginning of the World / Voyage to the Beginning of the World
De neuitat (1996)
Cealalta femeie (1994)
Another Woman
Rapsodie in august (1991)
Rhapsody in August
A doua zi dimineata (1986)
The Morning After
Alegerea Sofiei (1982)
Sophie's Choice
The Swimmer (1968)
Je t'aime, Je t'aime (1967)
The Pawnbroker (1964)
Muriel (1963)
Muriel ou le Temps d'un Retour
Brusc, vara trecuta (1959)
Suddenly, Last Summer