Sleuth (2007)
Omul cu gandacii (2006)
Pusculitele (2005)
Born Killers
Scenariul ucigas (2004)
The Dying Gaul
Fereastra de vizavi (2003)
La Finestra di Fronte / Facing Windows
Vanilla Sky - Deschide ochii (2001)
Vanilla Sky
Fidelitate (2000)
La Fidélité
Sotul altei femei (2000)
Another Woman's Husband
Fight Club - Sala de lupte (1999)
Fight Club
Simpatico (1999)
Doamna Dalloway (1997)
Mrs. Dalloway
Diabolicele (1996)
Love Letter (1995)
When I Close My Eyes
Nastazja (1994)
Pretul razbunarii (1994)
Above Suspicion
Posedati de intuneric (1994)
Possessed by the Night
Propunere indecenta (1993)
Indecent Proposal
O femeie periculoasa (1993)
A Dangerous Woman
Confruntarea (1993)
Romper Stomper
Analiza Finala (1992)
Final Analysis