Sweet Charity (1969)
Sirena de pe Mississipi (1969)
La Sirène du Mississipi / Mississippi Mermaid
Hello, Dolly! (1969)
Le Grand Amour (1969)
John si Mary (1969)
John and Mary
The Appointment (1969)
Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969)
The Trouble with Girls (1969)
The Trouble with Girls (And How to Get into It)
Un cuib de nobili (1969)
Dvoryanskoye Gnezdo / Nest of the Gentry
Jurnalul unei telefoniste (1969)
Certo, Certissimo, Anzi . . . Probabile / Diary of a Telephone Operator
Romeo si Julieta (1968)
Romeo and Juliet
Sarutari furate (1968)
Baisers Volés / Stolen Kisses
Amantii (1968)
Amanti / A Place for Lovers
Afacerea Thomas Crown (1968)
The Thomas Crown Affair
Manon 70 (1968)
Flacari si petrol (1968)
De dragul lui Ivy (1968)
For Love of Ivy
Petulia (1968)
I Love You (1968)
Io ti amo
Domnisoarele din Rochefort (1967)
Les Demoiselles de Rochefort / The Young Girls of Rochefort