The Wings of the Dove (1997)
Iubitul meu se insoara (1997)
My Best Friend's Wedding
Mai bine nu se poate (1997)
As Good As It Gets
Dorinte desarte (1997)
Wishful Thinking
Cine pe cine iubeste (1996)
The Truth About Cats & Dogs
Dragoste furata (1996)
Feeling Minnesota
Campionul (1996)
Tin Cup
Intre vis si insomnie (1996)
Dream for an Insomniac
Eden (1996)
Pur si simplu prieteni (1996)
Just Friends
Love Letter (1995)
When I Close My Eyes
Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995)
First Knight
Vacanta in aprilie (1995)
A Month by the Lake
In timp ce tu dormeai (1995)
While You Were Sleeping
Moondance (1995)
Legendele toamnei (1994)
Legends of the Fall
Wild Reeds (1994)
Les Roseaux Sauvages
Poveste pentru prieteni (1994)
Sleep with Me
Straina (1994)
Danielle Steel's 'A Perfect Stranger'