Indragostitii de la Cercul Polar (1998)
Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar / The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Cele doua fete ale dragostei (1996)
The Mirror Has Two Faces
Totul despre Claude (1996)
All over Me
Litera stacojie (1995)
The Scarlet Letter
Doua fete indragostite (1995)
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
Favoarea (1994)
The Favor
Trei pentru o inima (1993)
Three of Hearts
Amantul (1992)
L'Amant / The Lover
Mac (1992)
Belle epoque (1992)
Aproape insarcinata (1991)
Almost Pregnant
Noapte si zi (1991)
Nuit et Jour / Night and Day
Frumusica (1990)
Pretty Woman
Henry si June (1990)
Henry & June