Fata din cafenea (2005)
The Girl in the Café
Dragoste adevarata (2005)
Funny Valentine
Da (Dar mai degraba Ba) (2004)
I Do (But I Don't)
Brown Sugar (2002)
Indragostiti... ca la 16 ani (2000)
Down to You
Intoarce-te la mine (2000)
Return to Me
Inainte de rasarit (1995)
Before Sunrise
Intre prieteni (1995)
Circle of Friends
La pescuit (1994)
Go Fish
Varsta inocentei (1993)
The Age of Innocence
Anul soarelui linistit (1984)
Rok Spokojnego Slonca / A Year of the Quiet Sun
Vizita la domiciliu (1978)
House Calls
In the Cool of the Day (1963)
Girls' Dormitory (1936)
Alice Adams (1935)