Iubitul meu se insoara (1997)
My Best Friend's Wedding
Gelosul (1997)
Mr. Jealousy
Dorinte desarte (1997)
Wishful Thinking
Adio gasca (1997)
The First to Go
Pacientul englez (1996)
The English Patient
Favoarea (1994)
The Favor
Sotul perfect (1993)
Mr. Wonderful
Simte-te ca acasa (1992)
Formidabilii Baker-Boys (1989)
The Fabulous Baker Boys
Cinci zile dintr-o vara (1982)
Five Days One Summer
Au ras cu totii (1981)
They All Laughed
Croaziera de lux (1976)
The Love Boat
Frankie si Johnny (1965)
Frankie and Johnny
Va place Brahms? (1961)
Aimez-Vous Brahms? / Goodbye Again
Porgy and Bess (1959)
Doamna judecator (1949)
Tell It to the Judge
Gilda (1946)
Cat People (1942)
Buna dimineata, doctore!/ Esti numai a mea (1941)
You Belong to Me
La rascruce de vanturi (1939)
Wuthering Heights