The Wild Blue Yonder (2005)
Zero absolut (2005)
Absolute Zero / Absolute Zero: An Inconvenient Reality
Interventie in adancuri (2005)
Melody of Oblivion (2004)
Centrul Pamantului (2003)
The Core
Titan A.E. (2000)
Calatorie spre centrul pamantului (1999)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Virusi si extraterestrii (1999)
Can of Worms
Armageddon - Sfarsitul lumii? (1998)
Viitor intunecat (1997)
Future Fear
Ziua Independentei (1996)
Independence Day
Cocoon: Intoarcerea (1988)
Cocoon: The Return
Calatorie catre centrul Pamantului (1988)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
V (1983)
Naufragiati in spatiu (1969)
Flash Gordon: Spaceship to the Unknown (1936)
Flash Gordon: Rocketship
Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers (1936)
La fin du monde (1931)