Al patrulea protocol (1987)
The Fourth Protocol
Arta tradarii (1986)
The Whistle Blower
Misteriosul domn K (1984)
The Jigsaw Man
Urechea acului (1981)
Eye of the Needle
Vulturul a aterizat (1976)
The Eagle Has Landed
Samanta de Tamarin (1974)
The Tamarind Seed
The Mackintosh Man (1973)
A Dandy in Aspic (1968)
Arabesc (1966)
O inmormantare in Berlin (1966)
Funeral in Berlin
Spionul care venea din frig (1965)
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Femeia disparuta (1938)
The Lady Vanishes
Dark Journey (1937)
Sabotage (1936)
39 de trepte (1935)
The 39 Steps
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)