La nord, prin nord-vest (1959)
North by Northwest
Misterul vasului Mary Deare (1959)
The Wreck of the Mary Deare
The Journey (1959)
Orasul groazei (1959)
City of Fear
Stigmatul raului (1958)
Touch of Evil
Vertigo (1958)
Ameteala (1958)
Maigre intinde o cursa (1958)
Inspector Maigret / Maigret Sets a Trap
Enemy from Space (1957)
Quatermass II
Ascensor pentru esafod (1957)
Elevator to the Gallows / Frantic
Spioni si iubiti (1957)
Jet Pilot
Dincolo de pod (1957)
Across the Bridge
Omul care stia prea multe (1956)
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Sarutul dinaintea mortii (1956)
A Kiss Before Dying
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Sa prinzi un hot (1955)
To Catch a Thief
O zi grea la Black Rock (1955)
Bad Day at Black Rock
Noaptea vanatorului (1955)
The Night of the Hunter
Necazuri cu Harry (1955)
The Trouble with Harry
The Desperate Hours (1955)